Welcome to the 'Good Eats, Delectable Treats'
'Comfort Food For The Soul' family!
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You can identify our Dessert line by this label.
Try our 'Comfort Desserts For The Soul'
Our signature branding helps you easily identify our delicious food product lines. Our food categories include cakes, confectionery, cookies, variety pies, local juices, fruit & veg. smoothies, sea moss drinks, vegan dishes & more!
LOOK for the 'Good Eats, Delectable Treats' LABEL food category ID's at the top of product labels. Enjoy our eats? Call or message to order your choice treats within our irresistible range.
#GoodEatsDelectableTreats #USOLComfortCatering #USOLComfortFoodForTheSoul
For Product Line Info
Orders or General Information
General E-mail:
Product Line Information:
Website: theholisticlifeportal.com
Tel: 1 758 287 7000/ 1 758 727 7196
WhatsApp: 1 758 287 7000
Tis the season to satisfy your sweet tooth in a very healthy way.
Plain banana cakes, chocolate banana cakes, cinnamon, vanilla and chocolate-nut cookies are a few of our 'Good Eats, Delectable Treats' Specialty Comfort Desserts baked to satisfy your soul.
Try our treats today. Call 1 758 287 7000.
U-SOL Comfort Catering is pleased to introduce Savoury Dishes from our sister partner business D's Delights.
Follow our page for 'Comfort Food For The Soul' menu updates!
#GoodEatsDelectableTreats #USOLComfortCatering #USOLComfortFoodForTheSoul