By Richard Brody
Although, we all face a series of obstacles, on a somewhat - regular basis, while some consider these debilitating - problems, others are far - better - served, by considering them, as challenges, to overcome! One of the basic considerations, which should direct, the paths, we pursue, is, the overall commitment, to do, what's RIGHT, rather than, perhaps, some path, of perceived, less resistance! While, this may appear, obvious, very few seem, ready, willing, and/ or, able, to take the time, and make the effort, to give themselves, an objective, introspective, check - up, from the neck - up! With, that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why it matters.
1. Righteous; relevant; responsible; responsive; realistic; rationale: When you take this inner - look, will you also, examine, the basis of your rationale, and demand, you live a righteous - life? To do so, your approach and consideration must be, based on relevant information and options, and you must take responsibility for the way, you proceed! It is imperative, to be responsible, and responsive, to doing the truly - right thing, but while proceeding, with a positive, can - do, attitude, maintaining a firm - grasp, on reality, avoiding wearing, rose - colored glasses!
2. Integrity; imagination; ideas; ideals; issues: Are you willing to commit to the utmost degree of genuine integrity, especially, when it may be somewhat - challenging, to do so? Will you proceed, with an open - mind, and a well - considered, imagination, in your quest for meaningful ideas, which address significant issues, which align with quality ideals?
3. Greatness; greater good; grateful: Are you capable of being, grateful, for your blessings, while seeking further personal greatness, and expanding your perspective, to benefit the greater good?
4. Humane; healing; head/ heart: It is important, to be, as humane, to yourself, as good people, are, to others! Proceed, with a focus and emphasis on healing, and common sense, and attempt to, consistently, align your emotional and logical components, in a head/ heart balance!
5. Truthful; take time; timely; time - tested; tenacity: Be truthful, and true, to yourself, so you can, enjoy life, to its fullest! Take your time, but avoid procrastination! Consistently, opt for well - considered, timely action, which aligns, with common sense, time - tested, knowledge, which hopefully, you transform, to enhanced knowledge, expertise, and, most - importantly, judgment and meaningful, wisdom! This takes endurance and persistence, so maintain your tenacity, so you can achieve, your personal priorities!
How much, do you care, about your life and existence? Will you commit to do, consistently, what's RIGHT?
Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website and Plan2lead can also be followed on Facebook
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